Sabbath School



On behalf of our Sabbath School council and staff, welcome to the New Life Sabbath School page!  We are pleased that you are considering attending, or having your children attend, one of our Sabbath School class offerings.  Sabbath School is considered to be “the church at study,” and is thus considered to be the best part of the Sabbath day!

Lives are changed and transformed in Sabbath School, as the word of God is unfolded in our various classes.  Our cadre of committed, God-fearing leaders, teachers, secretaries, choristers, and musicians embrace the belief that the work of saving souls is the driving force behind every aspect of the Sabbath school ministry.

The power of the Holy Spirit moves in the New Life sanctuary during Sabbath school. You can witness that power every week in the engaged faces of our members. People join the church and become active as well as productive members of our church, because of their Sabbath School experience.
We hope that you are blessed and inspired, as you navigate our Sabbath school page. Make yourself at home!